Tommaso you are an amazing person, I have so much respect for you. You welcomed me to the family and treated me like one. You are very missed and loved and of course you will never be forgotten from all the people who knew you. You have left us with a wonderful family that will always remind us of you and your good spirit.
19th May 2015
Caro il mio papa' anche oggi ti ho pensato tanto! Non c'e' giorno che non penso a te! Mi da' un po' di conforto pensare che tu mi ascolti e che ogni volta che il mio cuore ti pensa ti sto inviando la mia protezione, dovunque tu sia...Sii forte mio adorato papa'... Un giorno ci rivedremo ne sono certa! Ti voglio un bene immenso
maria vanessa
16th May 2015
We hope that you find this tribute to Tommaso Colapinto a place of comfort, support and inspiration for you to visit whenever you want or need to.
Sent by MuchLoved on 10/05/2015